Behind the Lending Lounge
A message from Kevin Wolfer, president and CEO of Kennedy Funding
The last recession’s legacy has been a banking debacle and a generally turbulent lending market. Key asset classes – notably real estate – have not completely rebounded, adding to the uncertainties the business community continues to face. There is much confusion and apprehension, particularly in the decision-making process, for borrowers and lenders alike. While there is certainly money available, the question remains, “am I making the right decision?”
The purpose of the Kennedy Funding Lending Lounge is to sort through and make sense of the issues. A “lounge,” by nature, is a place where people can converse, exchange views, and network. That is our intention here—to generate conversation and be a resource. To provide an opportunity for borrowers to learn, get the information they need in order to make educated choices when selecting a lender, to insure that their decisions result in smooth processes, and to be comfortable in doing business in an ever-changing marketplace.
Questions? We want to hear from you…email us.